How to improve your morning routine - MissLJBeauty

How to improve your morning routine

The New Year is the perfect time to create new, healthy habits – and even though we’re already a little ways into it, there’s no better time than right now to get started on the little things that work towards a better you. 

A well-structured and maintainable morning routine is one such little thing and an understatedly great way to make you feel good about yourself. It also has its own knock-on advantages to other areas of your life, from personal mood and relationships to professional productivity and beyond! But what can you do to make improvements in this essential part of your day?

A woman waking up in the morning, stretching in bed with sunlight streaming through the window, symbolizing a fresh and positive start to the day.

Prepare a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is often said to be the most important meal of the day, and even if the science doesn’t quite measure up on that front it certainly can’t hurt to pay a little more attention here. Start your day off right by making something both healthy and filling, such as porridge or a smoothie. If you’re conscious about it taking too much time, you can always meal-prep the night before to create a little more wiggle room in your morning. Overnight oats are a great and healthy way to benefit from this!

Look after your skin

Skincare isn’t necessarily a necessity. There has been some rightful readjustment of expectations in this regard, as people continue to wake up to the unfair beauty standards placed on them by society. However, skincare can still be a hugely valuable personal ritual, whether or not you place much trust in the youth-preserving potential of certain treatments. 

This ritual should be made up of products that are suitable for your skin type, including a cleanser, exfoliator, toner, and moisturiser. An illuminated mirror in your bathroom is nothing short of essential to the completion of this ritual and can be a beautiful addition to your home, giving you light and confidence even on dark winter mornings.

Get important tasks done

Mornings aren’t always meant to be task-filled productivity-fests – but if you can inspire a little get-up-and-go in your morning, you can make the rest of your day so much easier. Approach the day with intention, not randomness. There’s a lot of worth in a list, so make a list of your daily jobs and organise them by priority, working through each one.

Get enough sleep

This one should be common knowledge, but in order for you to carry out your morning routine each day, you really ought to give yourself the recommended minimum of 8 hours of sleep first. This means that if you intend to wake up before 8 am, you must go to bed before midnight. Also, aim to avoid caffeine and alcohol after 9 pm, since this can interfere with your sleeping pattern.

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