With that in mind, let’s explore how heat pumps can help protect homeowners' wallets, from encouraging a better approach to energy efficiency to increasing access to government heating grants.
Encourage energy efficiency
One way that heat pumps can help homeowners save money is by encouraging them to look at their home’s energy efficiency more generally. In order to benefit from a heat pump and its potentially more limited heating output, in some cases it will be advisable to insulate the property, whether that’s by adding insulation to the walls and ceiling or installing double (or even triple) glazed windows.
Taking this approach to minimising your energy usage will help you cut your energy costs no matter what the next steps you take are, as you’ll need to use less energy to heat the same amount of space.
One way that heat pumps can help homeowners save money is by encouraging them to look at their home’s energy efficiency more generally. In order to benefit from a heat pump and its potentially more limited heating output, in some cases it will be advisable to insulate the property, whether that’s by adding insulation to the walls and ceiling or installing double (or even triple) glazed windows.
Taking this approach to minimising your energy usage will help you cut your energy costs no matter what the next steps you take are, as you’ll need to use less energy to heat the same amount of space.
Cut heating costs
The main way that heat pumps can save homeowners money is by reducing heating costs. Heat pumps are far more efficient than gas boilers at heating homes, and even though their energy source - electricity - is more expensive than gas, in most cases, heat pumps still end up being a fair bit cheaper.
If you’re unsure as to whether a heat pump is the right option for you, then you don’t have to do all the calculations on your own. There are services such as Thermly that let you know if your home is ready for a heat pump - if it’s not, they’ll also provide advice on how to get it ready for one to be installed.
While technically not a way of saving money, some people will be eligible for a £7,500 heating grant from the government. If you’re looking at how you can balance the costs of installing a heat pump, this could be a factor that pushes your decision one way or the other.
If you live in certain areas, you could be eligible for even more - £9,000 - to go towards the costs of installing the heat pump. There are a number of services that make it quick and easy to see if you yourself are eligible, and it’s well worth taking a moment to do so.
Heat pumps won’t be perfect for everyone, but it’s pretty rare that you’ll come across a home that can’t be updated to suit one. They’re such an effective way of cutting your long-term heating costs that it’s a shame not to benefit from them if at all possible. Combined with the positive effect they can have on decreasing your carbon footprint, it’s definitely worth at least doing some further research.
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