Simple, Effective Tips To Boost Body Confidence - MissLJBeauty

Simple, Effective Tips To Boost Body Confidence

 A UK study found that 80% of people admit that their body image has a negative impact on their mental health. There are many factors that influence body confidence, including the relationships we have with others, past experiences, pressure from external sources, such as social media, and low self-esteem. It’s not easy to build confidence if you don’t feel amazing when you look in the mirror, but there are ways to improve body image. In this guide, we’ll outline some simple, effective tips to boost body confidence today. 

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Prioritise health and well-being

Many of us view our bodies as decorative objects rather than the wonders that they are. Body image is often poor in pregnant women and mothers, for example. This is largely due to weight gain or changes in the way our bodies look during and after pregnancy and childbirth. It’s easy to get caught up with how we look and forget what an incredible feat our bodies have achieved nourishing and growing a new life. It’s not easy to adjust your mindset but try to prioritise health and well-being over aesthetics. Look after your body by eating well, getting enough rest and exercising regularly and remember what magical things it does every day without us even realising. Be grateful for what your body allows you to do and remember to see it as more than a measure of beauty. You are much more than a body and face. 

Identify problem areas or concerns

Everyone has flaws and usually, we spend much more time focusing on imperfections than the things we love most about our bodies. If you lack confidence, there are ways to tackle issues or problems that are getting you down. If you don’t want to accept your body as it is and you know you’ll feel better if you make changes, go for it. Identify problem areas or concerns and come up with solutions. Perhaps you want to tone up, build muscle or lose body fat, for example, or maybe you’re self-conscious about not being shapely enough. If you’ve been asking Google questions like how do I check my body fat percentage, how do I lose weight or what’s the best way to gain weight or add definition, start making changes now. Learn more about exercise and nutrition, seek expert advice and set realistic goals. Always ensure that you make decisions based on your desires and needs. You should never feel pressured by others. 

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Try to avoid making comparisons

It’s virtually impossible not to make comparisons with other people, especially in the age of social media, but if you can, try to avoid comparing yourself to others. Everyone is unique and that’s what makes the world so fascinating. If you know that scrolling through Instagram looking at photos of models and celebrities affects your confidence, take a break from socials, manage the accounts you follow and look for body-positive content. Genetics plays a huge part in the way we look. If you’re short or curvy, or you have an athletic physique naturally, for example, there’s a limit to what you can do to alter your body. You’ll never have long legs if you’re petite. Accepting that you won’t always look like others is freeing. It’s also critical to remember that the media and the fashion industry tend to shine a spotlight on people who don’t have the average body. Most people you come across in daily life won’t look like the images you see in glossy magazines and red carpets. Many photos on social media and in magazines and advertising campaigns are also edited or enhanced. 

Make yourself feel good

If you’re having one of those days or you lack confidence, it’s beneficial to learn how to make yourself feel good. There are lots of tips and tricks you can use to boost your self-esteem or feel happier or more content. Wear clothes that make you feel confident even if it means bucking trends. Learn what suits you and celebrate your style and shape rather than conforming to what everyone else is wearing. Focus on your good points every time you look in the mirror and be mindful that nobody is perfect. Look for sources of happiness that are not related to how you look, how much you weigh or what you wear. Travel, take up new hobbies, spend time with your friends, pursue interests or volunteer and be open to broadening your horizons. 

Being kind to yourself is one of the best ways to feel more confident. We tend to save compliments for others and dish out insults with wild abandon when it comes to our own bodies. Treat yourself in the same way as you would your closest friends and family members. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you don’t look great if you try an outfit on that you don’t like, for example, but resist the temptation to list all the things that are wrong with your body or how you look at every opportunity. Address issues you want to change but be gentle with your emotions. Give yourself a break and celebrate the features you love and the quirks that make you unique. 

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It’s very common to have low body confidence, especially among women. It can be tough to improve body image, but there are ways to boost confidence. Look after your body, prioritise health and well-being and try to avoid comparing yourself to others. Identify problem areas and take action if you want to make changes and you know that it’ll make you feel more confident. Be kind to yourself, celebrate what your body allows you to do and focus on your best features.

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