How To Get Used To Dressing From A Capsule Wardrobe - MissLJBeauty

How To Get Used To Dressing From A Capsule Wardrobe

 A capsule wardrobe is a much smaller, more contained closet than the one you’re probably used to. It doesn’t have shelves upon shelves of clothing, and there are no racks for a million clothes hangers to dangle from. When you’re living out of a capsule wardrobe, you probably just have a set of drawers and everything you wear fits neatly inside. 

That takes a bit of getting used to! Even for those interested in the capsule lifestyle who want to cut back on the amount of fast fashion they’re buying, having so few options can feel really quite restrictive. 

But don’t give up. You can become very happy with your capsule wardrobe if you start by filling it with the right pieces. 

folded up shirts

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Fill it with the Style You Love

Got a personal style that you feel comfortable and confident in? Make sure your capsule wardrobe is made up of at least 75% of items like these. The other quarter should be made up of the basics. 

These are the clothes that can be used as the first layer in any outfit, like a couple of vests and maybe a blouse. The rest should be the stuff you feel confident in and like to wear, that has plenty of those eye-catching elements that drew you to the style in the first place. 

Then leave a bit of room for a couple of belts and around four to five pairs of shoes and your capsule wardrobe will be complete, in a way that doesn’t feel boring or restrictive. You’ve got everything you need and there’s nothing forgotten. 

Add a New Piece Every Other Month

Capsule wardrobes don’t have to feature the same clothes forever. That’s a misconception a lot of people have about them, but you can routinely add to and update a capsule. Do so once a month. 

This way you won’t spend so much on clothing but you’ll still have something fresh to incorporate into your outfit cycle on a regular basis. You can even buy in circulation to make sure new jeans, t-shirts, skirts, and shorts are coming into your wardrobe in equal measure. 

Your Jewellery Box is Separate

Which means you can have as many accessories as you like. They’re not going to fill up valuable space in your capsule wardrobe, and let’s face it, three or four gold necklaces are a better investment than every new fast fashion trend! They last longer and are more likely to become valuable as time goes on. 

So keep your jewellery box separate from your capsule and you’ll have a lot more accessories to spritz up your outfits and make them distinct from one another. The more glitz you can add to your specific style, the more variation you’ll get out of the same 5 or 6 tops and bottoms. 

There’s an art to ‘capsuling’. If you want to build a capsule wardrobe that doesn't leave you with too little clothing, these are the tips to use!

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