How to Care for Handcrafted Pottery: Maintenance Tips - MissLJBeauty

How to Care for Handcrafted Pottery: Maintenance Tips

 women making plates


Handcrafted pottery, especially those with unique designs like the stunning unikat Polish pottery patterns, adds a touch of charm to any home. However, keeping them looking beautiful requires some extra care.

Unlike factory-made ceramics, handcrafted pieces have distinct qualities that need a bit more attention. With the right care, your pottery can remain as beautiful as the day you first got it.

Handling with Care

Handcrafted pottery is often more fragile than regular dishes because of its unique textures and glazes. When lifting these pieces, make sure to support them from the bottom rather than by the handles to prevent stress on delicate areas.

Always use both hands. It may seem overly cautious, but it helps avoid accidental damage. Carrying multiple pieces? Use a sturdy tray lined with a soft material to prevent scratches or impacts.

Cleaning Gently

Handcrafted pottery has lovely glazes that can be damaged by harsh cleaning.

For everyday cleaning, use lukewarm water and mild soap with a soft cloth or sponge to gently clean away any dirt. Steer clear of harsh scrubbers and abrasive cleaners that might damage the painted designs.

For tough stains, try a gentle paste of baking soda and water, then rinse well.

Dishwasher Caution

The heat and agitation in dishwashers can harm delicate glazes and designs. Hand washing is usually best, unless you’re sure your pottery is dishwasher-safe. Always check the maker’s recommendations first to be on the safe side.

Preventing Damage

Even though they look sturdy, handcrafted pottery can be easily chipped or cracked if mishandled.

  • Store each piece carefully to avoid them hitting each other.

  • Only stack a few items at a time, and place felt pads between them for extra safety.

  • Make sure the surfaces where they rest are padded to protect from knocks that might cause chips or breaks.

Temperature Awareness

Sudden temperature changes can be damaging to handcrafted pottery. Avoid putting these pieces in microwaves or next to hot pans, which can cause cracks.

Don’t move them straight from the freezer to a hot place—these quick shifts can lead to breaks. 

When reheating food, choose slower methods instead of rapid ones. Use room temperature liquids in clay vessels, and keep them away from direct heat. This will protect your pottery from unexpected temperature shock and help them last longer.

By following these tips, you show appreciation for the artistry and history of each piece. Simple care now ensures these treasures continue to shine for many years.

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