Getaway Ideas for Those Looking to Escape the City - MissLJBeauty

Getaway Ideas for Those Looking to Escape the City

The pace and pressure of life in a big city can be a source of chronic stress for many of the people who live and work there. The occasional period of downtime and escape can provide a welcome reprieve from all of the things that make city life so challenging. 

But if you’re planning a getaway, exactly what kind of destination should you be looking for? Let’s consider a few of the key candidates.

mountains on a lake at sunset

Coastal Retreats

There’s something inherently relaxing about time spent by the seaside. The sound of the waves, the smell of salt in the air, and the opportunity to go for a hike among the clifftops, spotting wildlife. 

Several parts of the country stand out as appealing when it comes to coastline. You might consider a trip along Norfolk’s more remote coastline, or some of the secluded beaches in the farthest tip of Cornwall. 

Being an island nation, the United Kingdom has more than its share of amazing beaches – so, don’t just stick with the ones you’re already familiar with. Make a point of heading out in search of new ones! 

Tranquillity Amidst Mountains

On the other hand, you might seek to rise above it all with a mountainous getaway. Fortunately, there are plenty of beautiful sections of the British countryside that fit the bill. 

You might head up to the Scottish Highlands, or to the Peak District. For those in the south, however, it’s difficult to beat Snowdonia National Park. You can even make a Welsh retreat part of your annual recuperation – you can buy static caravans in North Wales, use them whenever the urge arises, and rent them out when you’re not using them.

Wellness and Spa Retreats

Of course, you might also look for a more direct series of treatments that actually promotes relaxation in your body in mind. There’s a sizeable industry surrounding health and wellness, and you’ll find no shortage of spa retreats dotted around picturesque parts of the country, like the Cotswolds. 

Whether you’re looking to be pampered, build up your yoga skills, or engage in contemplation in a silent retreat, you’ll find a holiday that fits the bill.

Countryside Escapes

Few activities are more effective stress-busters than walking. And there are large stretches of the British countryside that are perfect for it. There, you’ll find inspiration in the form of rolling hills, farmland, moors, and the occasional quaint little cobblestone-strewn town or village. 

For example, the Yorkshire Dales provide plenty of scenery to marvel at during your travels – and here, you’ll get the chance to enjoy local food from local producers. Look for farm-to-table eating experiences, and research the local food festivals before you set out.

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