Importance of spending time with friends - MissLJBeauty

Importance of spending time with friends

People are naturally social, but that’s easy to forget in the age of the internet.

Friends build our confidence, improve our mental health and reduce feelings of loneliness too. Despite the widespread use of social media, the Office for National Statistics found that around a quarter of UK adults often feel lonely. Real, close friendships prevent loneliness.

Along with helping to combat loneliness, spending time with friends can enrich our lives in so many ways. Below, we’ve covered just a few of the reasons why spending time together is so vital.

a group of friends having an outdoor party

Improved mental health

Spending time with the right friends directly benefits our mental health. While friends can’t and shouldn’t take the place of a therapist, they support us through trust, having someone to rely on, and making wonderful memories together.

Good friends can simply hang out together without forcing conversation, turning everyday moments into the best of times. These simple interactions trigger the release of endorphins, contributing to a happier and more positive mindset over time.

Stronger relationships

It’s normal and healthy to have a small group or ‘circle’ of close friends.

Studies suggest that having a few quality friendships is more important for your health than diet or exercise habits! When you share emotions through shared experiences, you’ll all find something to laugh about together. And the longer you and your friends know each other, the stronger your bond will grow.

Hosting special celebrations like dinner parties or games nights can help to strengthen the bonds you and your friends already share. Modern adaptions of classic games like roulette make a great way to challenge each other and learn more about how you work as a team.

Personal growth

Chatting to our friends keeps us grounded. When we constantly hear different ideas and perspectives, we challenge not only our own opinions but our attitudes too. With a close network of trusted friends, we learn how to celebrate the good times and feel supported through challenges too.

Friends increase our sense of purpose and belonging, which leaves us feeling more empowered about our own decisions. Friends can validate and encourage our ideas, giving us more self-confidence to pursue the career or hobbies that we’re passionate about. And when we invest our time and support in our friends, they appreciate it and very often return the favour

Reliable support network

When life gets hard, having a good group of friends gives us somewhere to turn. It’s not always easy to have healthy relationships with immediate family members, so that’s where friends come in.

Friends offer a crucial support system through good and bad times. Spending time together provides comfort and reassurance, and thoughtful gifts or gestures from friends can instantly shift a negative mindset.

Lifelong memories

Overall, friends bring joy, incredible memories, and a sense of security that can’t be replicated by another type of relationship. Close friendships can last a lifetime, with the best possible memories shared between the highs and lows.

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