Why You Should Invest in a New LED Nail Lamp - MissLJBeauty

Why You Should Invest in a New LED Nail Lamp

To get the best manicure, you need high-quality tools, including lamps. If you currently use an ultraviolet lamp to cure your gel polish, consider upgrading to a light-emitting diode model. You can get one as part of a nail kit or purchase it separately. Either way, you'll notice a huge difference in your gel polish application experience.

LED nail lap in use by beautician

Energy Efficient & Longer-Lasting Bulbs

UV nail lamps have long been the standard, but LED models are quickly taking over the market. Both use light to cure gel polish, which is popular among nail polish enthusiasts for its durability and high shine. Gel polish has a special formula that keeps it from drying in the open air; it only hardens when exposed to the correct combination and intensity of light, as that activates its chemical bonds.

While UV and LED nail lamps accomplish the same effect, they have different efficiencies. You have to replace UV bulbs more frequently, so you'll need to keep a ready supply. LED bulbs last about five times as long. While they're more expensive, you'll save more money in the long run since you use fewer.

When you buy a new LED nail lamp, you can also look for a more diverse model. Newer versions can cure gel polish on toes as well as fingers, allowing you to treat yourself to pedicures.

Safer Alternative & Faster Drying Time

An LED nail lamp cures much faster than its UV counterpart. The newest LED models can cure one layer of gel polish in as little as 30 seconds, while UV lamps can take as long as two minutes. Since most gel polish requires two to four coats, that wait time can add up quickly. If you're doing nail art, you could be curing for a total of 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the design. An LED lamp cuts that down to under five minutes.

LED nail lamps may also be marginally safer than UV ones. As you probably know, UV rays can be dangerous since they break down cells, resulting in the following:
  • Sunburns
  • Signs of aging
  • Cancer
UV damage is cumulative, so the more exposure you get, the higher the likelihood of experiencing the above. For this reason, dermatologists recommend wearing sunscreen whenever you go outside and avoiding tanning beds.

Will a UV nail lamp cause these issues? Experts say that the amount of time your fingers spend under the UV light is negligible and, therefore, not a cause for concern.

In comparison, LED lights use a combination of UV and visible light to activate gel polish. That means less exposure to UV rays, especially since curing takes a fraction of the time. If you have concerns about sun exposure or use products that recommend avoiding UV radiation, an LED lamp may be the better option.

Since you're updating your nail polish tools, why not add a dust catcher for nails to your workspace? These portable devices suck dust particles out of the air, improving air quality and keeping the area clean. If you work with acrylics, a dust collector is a must-have.

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