Walk to School Week: Burn Calories and Save Money - MissLJBeauty

Walk to School Week: Burn Calories and Save Money

As we dive into "Walk to School Week" here in the UK, it's a brilliant time to explore the benefits of swapping the car for a good old-fashioned walk. Organised by Living Streets The Pedestrians' Association, this initiative encourages parents, students, and our communities to experience the health, financial, and environmental perks of walking to school I think you will be surprised by how this little tweak in your routine could benefit you in ways you didn't realize. You know I like to promote healthy living and give you easy-to-follow ways to add fitness to your life and I love this initiative. 

children and adult walking to school

The Benefits of Walking to School

Calorie Burning
According to health and wellbeing expert Louise Donohue, a typical 2.5-mile school commute can help us burn a fair amount of calories. Women might burn 125 calories per trip (500 per day). Men can expect to burn around 150 calories per trip (600 per day), Over the 190-day school year, that's about 95,000 for women and 114,000 calories for men. Not too shabby for a daily stroll! That could make a big impact on your health and well-being. 

Well-Being Effects
Whilst we are talking wellbeing walking to school can significantly boost our mental well-being. It’s a great way to start the day.  Walking is known to help reduce stress and anxiety. The fresh air and exercise can enhance your mood, increase energy levels, and improve focus. The benefits can last throughout the day for both parents and children. Fresh air is good for the mind and body. 

Financial Savings
Did you know driving that 2.5-mile round trip to school costs roughly £2.18 per day in fuel? I know I was shocked too when I read that stat online. Over the school year, this adds up to at least £414.20. Think about it, that's enough to cover three years of a Netflix subscription. Imagine the savings if we walked instead and the cost if the school is further away. 

Vehicle Longevity and Maintenance
Fewer short car trips mean less wear and tear on our vehicles, I know this sounds boring but cars are expensive and things are just getting worse.  Walking can extend the lifespan of your car and reduce maintenance costs. Walking can help save us those extra repair bills.

Environmental Impact
 Of course, walking instead of driving helps cut down on emissions, leading to better air quality and improved public health. It's a simple way to contribute to a cleaner, greener environment. 

Community and Safety
Walking builds a sense of community. It will give us chances to chat with neighbours and other parents. More pedestrians also mean safer roads, with less traffic congestion at pick up and drop off time. I mean who doesn't hate what feels like the endless queue for a parking space near the school. The more people walk the fewer cars are on the road at peak times. You might even get home quicker even with a chat or two along the way. 

Overcoming Common Barriers

Mark Trimbee, CEO of Regtransfers, shares some practical tips to help us get started and they are easy to follow too. 
  • Distance: If the walk feels too long, consider driving part of the way and walking the rest. It’s a great compromise.
  • Time Constraints: Try setting off a bit earlier in the morning to fit in the walk without feeling rushed. It might mean an earlier start, but the benefits are worth it.
  • Safety Concerns: If more of us walk, the roads will naturally become less congested and safer for everyone. It's a collective effort that pays off.
Walk to School Week is a fantastic opportunity to swap the car keys for a pair of comfy trainers and reap the benefits. By walking, we can enjoy better health, save money, and help make our community a safer, more pleasant place. Let's take this chance to make walking to school a regular part of our routine. After all, it's good for us, our wallets, and the planet. So, let's hit the pavement and set a good example for the younger generations. It is easy to do and it can become a routine in no time. 

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