Top Tips for Protecting Your Home Against Cracks & Leaks - MissLJBeauty

Top Tips for Protecting Your Home Against Cracks & Leaks

Minor cracks and leaks can lead to much bigger problems if left untreated. Damp and mould can quickly escalate to severe structural damage and costly repairs. Homeowners should regularly inspect their property for cracks and leaks in order to protect their homes.

Here are some useful tips from a building foundations company on how to effectively protect your home against cracks and leaks…


When inspecting your property for crack or leaks it is a good idea to start at the top and work your way down. Begin by carefully examining your roof tiles. Any damaged tiles will need to be replaced or secured to prevent leaking. Roof tiles are designed to keep rain out and protect your home from the elements, so it is crucial to properly maintain them. If you don’t feel confident inspecting the roof of your property you can always hire a professional.


It is also important to regularly check your guttering. Even if you can’t spot any signs of damage, a build-up of leaves and debris can cause blockages in the future. Blockages will lead to rain water spilling over the top and pouring down the sides of your home. If you notice water pouring from your guttering after it has rained, then this is likely to be the cause. 

Walls & windows

Don’t forget to inspect your walls for cracks and water damage, as well as the seals around your windows. Fill any cracks found in brickwork with a suitable water resistant filler and repair any gaps around your windows with a putty or caulk. If the window sealant has perished, you should remove this and apply a new weatherproof layer. It is also worth filling any gaps that have been left around pipes to prevent water from getting inside and causing damp.


Finally, it is vital to look after the boundaries of your property to ensure that any water on the ground flows away from your home, instead of pooling. This could lead to water seeping into the foundations of the building, which can cause serious structural damage. If you do notice water pooling on the ground, try to soak up the water and level the area using dirt or gravel. 

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