I get asked a lot about what you need for a camping trip. For some of us, it might be second nature to go camping but for the first-timers, it can be quite daunting. I thought I would take the hassle out of it for you all and give you a list of my top camping products. Plus this is the perfect time of year to go grab a bargain if you are looking for new gear. I get most of my kit from simplyhike.co.uk, They are a brilliant UK based company that stock the best ranges of kit. They have a great sale at the moment. Anyways without further ado here is my list. Here is my top 6 thing to buy before your trip.
1. You need a quality tent. for me, there is only one company to trust. Vango tents. Vango is were established up here in Scotland. With them being designed up here with our crazy weather, they can survive anything. The weather up here goes from one extreme to another. So the best place for a tent company to test out and designed the perfect tent.
I have had a few different sizes of Vango tents and they have all been amazing. So simple to pop up and keep you safe from the elements. They are all waterproof and have a breathable lining as a basic. Whether you are camping with the family or on a hiking trip up Ben Nevis these are the tent of choice. They have everything from one man to huge family tents. You will defo find one that will suit your needs. Hint always pick up an extra set of tent pegs. Those little things go missing so often.
2. Sleeping bags. Yes, I know what you are thinking. You have that old sleeping bag in the house that will do. This is the biggest mistake people make when camping. You need to have a sleeping bag capable of the situation you are in. A summer sleeping bag will not help you hiking up a mountain.
There are 5 levels of sleeping bags. They are categorised into seasons. bare that in mind when you are making your purchase. Here are the explanations
1 Season Sleeping Bags Lightweight, compact and ideal for use in hot summer months (June-August) or when holidaying abroad in hot weather.
2 Season Sleeping Bags for use in late spring to early autumn, this is your normal family sleeping bag.
3 Season Sleeping Bags For use in early spring to late autumn, and mild winter evening. These bags are generally the sort of sleeping bag recommended for school trips and expeditions such as Duke of Edinburgh.
4 Season Sleeping Bags Thick bags often down insulated 4 season sleeping bags are made for use in winter when temperatures can drop below zero.
5 Season Sleeping Bags These sleeping bags, also known as expedition bags are for high mountain use and for extremely cold temperatures.

3. Mats or air bed. A really good floor mat or air bed is a must. If you want a good night sleep and to prevent any back pain. This is where you should spend a bit of money. Again thought before buying think about your trip. If you need it to pack down you will need a different kind of mat to a family trip where comfort is key. The one above is Thermarest neoair trekker mat This is my mat of choice. I love this mat. I suffer back problems having slipped a disc in the past. This mat is so comfy and causes me no issues what so ever. This is not the part of the equipment to skimp and save.
4. Cooking. First, think about what you are wanting to cook. Do you have to cook for a big family? You will not be able to do this on one ring stove? This is the most stressful thing I have ever done. I forgot my second stove and I was cooking for four hungry adults. I would recommend buying more than one stove. If you really plan your meals this will give you a good idea of what you will need.
My minimum checklist is
At least two stoves, Pans - the number depending on how much I am cooking. I like to do easy meals like pasta. So simple and easy and filling.
Cooking utensils. Plates, cups, bowls and cutlery, Cooking oil or cooking spray. salt and pepper if required.
5. Camping chairs. I think a nice chair is a must. I can cope with eating on my knee but if you are sat on the ground for the whole trip. I find that a bit miserable and bad for my back. So grab a couple of camping chairs and save your self from sitting on the ground.

6. Torches and lanterns
This is one that is so easy to forget. But you need to get some good torches and lanterns. I would also recommend some head touches. The one above is my personal favourite Petzl Reactik plus head torch. This is so handy, with it being hands-free, it is great and so much easier to do everything. Personally, I have a range of head torches and lanterns. I find this works best for camping. To have a lantern in the tent and then head torches each person. You will rely on these more than you know. Again make sure you check the charging time and battery life so you don't get caught short on your trip.
I hope you found this helpful.
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