Today I am here with a very exciting competition that I am running on my Instagram. I want to first let you get to know the product. Proceive.co.uk is a world-leading nutrition supplement for people who are trying for a baby. I have friends who have struggled to conceive and it is heartbreaking to watch them go through the process every month. Every month there hearts being broken again.
Proceive is supplements not only for women but men too. It gives you all the best nutrients to make your body in the best condition it can be to make a baby. It is best suited to people over the age of 35.
I am going to be giving away one month's supply of both the men and women supplements!
All you need to do is head over to my Instagram and like the photo to enter. The competition is only open to UK residents and people over the age of 18. Normal T&C apply. Open until 21/6/18
Why I believe in Proceive here what they say,
Those hoping to conceive in 2018 can now try a new advanced range of fertility supplements, available for the first time in the UK. Developed by fertility experts and tailored to support the specific nutrient needs of each gender, the PROCEIVE® range contains ingredients that can help to support nutritional deficiencies associated with conception. The range also includes a MAX option specifically designed for those over aged 35 or who have been trying to conceive for over 12 months.
Whilst just over a third of UK couples will conceive in the first month of trying, for others it can be a much longer road, with factors such as age, general health and reproductive health affecting how long it takes. One area couples can take control of their conception preparation is through their lifestyle and nutrition.
Both the male and female reproductive systems need adequate nutritional support to contribute to sperm and egg quality. Men need to produce between 40 and 300 million sperm cells to be fertile and a nutritional deficiency can affect this.
Nutrients also play an important role in ensuring that a woman’s hormonal cycle can develop a good quality egg whilst also preparing the womb for fertility, maternal tissue growth, and cell division.
The advanced fertility range from PROCEIVE® delivers the most comprehensive levels of key conception nutrients, to help give couples the best chance to conceive naturally. The range is gluten free and suitable for those following a vegetarian diet."
Dr Phil Boyle from Neo Fertility Clinic in Dublin commented:
“As a fertility specialist, I understand how important good quality nutrition is for couples trying to conceive, so even if you have a healthy, balanced diet, I would always recommend taking a supplement with a comprehensive formulation; women should make sure that they take something that includes B vitamins and magnesium as well as folic acid, whilst men should ensure they are boosting the quality of their sperm with selenium and arginine.”
Hannah Moffit, nutritionist from Holland & Barrett commented:
“Supplements are potent forms of therapeutic amounts of nutrients which may aid to help with certain ailments. Taking a supplement which is tailored specifically to your gender when trying to conceive is important to ensure you are taking the right nutrients at this time. However, it is easy to see that some nutrients do cross over and are important for both genders when looking into reproduction. As we get older, hormones may start to decline which may make pregnancy harder, particularly in women, so ensuring an adequate amount of the above nutrients is key.”
If all this doesn't convince you, check out their fertility blog