How are you all?
So lets talk this months faves.
I'm starting with a food item this month
Purple sause by permier inn. This brand new sauce is part of there breakfast collection and I have to say it is awesome But you can only get it in the hotels for another few months as its a limited collection. I have had it in a bacon bagel but if im honest its best with home potato wedges. its vinegar and blueberrie based its such a nice change from ketchup and brown sauce.
what they say
""Created with the help of celeb chef Ed Baines, Purple Sauce is a contemporary addition to the traditional cooked breakfast, complementing your favourite sausages, bacon and eggs to perfection.
A great alternative to red and brown sauce, our secret Purple Sauce recipe has a blackberry base with natural ingredients including crushed chillies, toasted cumin, smoked salt and cider vinegar."
Ed Baines commented: "Purple Sauce is the perfect accompaniment to a cooked breakfast. Its smoky flavours really work well with meat – particularly pork – and its underlying fruity flavour leaves a delicious aftertaste that leaves you satisfied."
I really hope they don't discontiue this like they say they are going to I love it.
If you are staying at a permier inn or live near one you can grab a bottle for £8.25 Which is expensive for sause I have to admit but worth it for the taste and a little gos along way thats for sure.
what you tried this?
MissLJBeauty xoxo