Results with Lucy Week1 Wobble to model - MissLJBeauty

Results with Lucy Week1 Wobble to model

Hi everyone

How are we all? 

As you know, I have been with Results with Lucy a while but I have never under taken any of the plans. 

Until now that is, I am on Wobble to model, I have about 6 week until my honeymoon and I really want to be in the best shape of my life for it. I know most girls think this about there wedding but my honeymoon has always been a bigger goal to me! Im in a bikini and there is no hiding. 

check out my you tube here 

So the plan is really affordable its only £30 added on to your plan. You work out every other day and the work out are design to get rid of the dreaded cellulite!! plus it gives you a really easy to follow eating plan. to help you rid your body of toxins! 

My first week is all explained in the Youtube. Plus my results after only one week are amazing so check it out above. 

What do you think? Have you tried this? 

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