Wedding Wednesday trim secrets - MissLJBeauty

Wedding Wednesday trim secrets

Hay everyone

How are you today? 

Ok so today is a big day for me! I'm back in the dirt trail again. 
Unfortunately, I was on diet chef but I gained weight on this :( not ideal 
I'm now back up to 66.4kg grr looks like the weight loss wasn't going to last. I will post a big review on this. 

So up I was at the wedding show on Saturday and after hearing Michelle mone talk
 (more about that in another blog) I was so inspired to try trim secrets
These tablets are available here
 For £14.95 I got two packets for £10 bargin.

As you know I get married in June and want to look my very best so I thought let's go. It mite work for me. 

So today I have just had my breakie of cereal with 0% Greek yogurt and before I had this I took on tablet. 

Now this is not a review as I've just started but just a wee update on what I'm up to. 

I will run 5k today along with a dog walk in the mountains behind my house. 
Unfortunately I can use my results with Lucy due to having no broadband grrr. 

Also this is why I have been very quite as I need broadband lol I'm back to the dark ages here 

Have you tried trim secrets? 

Love MissLJBeauty xoxo